Michigan EIBC Applauds DTE and Consumers For New Advanced Energy Commitments

On Friday, May 18, Michigan’s two largest utilities – DTE Energy and Consumers Energy – announced new advanced energy commitments. The utilities will both commit to 25% renewable energy and 25% energy efficiency by 2030.

The Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council applauds Consumers Energy and DTE Energy for their commitment. This is an important step forward towards Michigan’s advanced energy future, that will create jobs in Michigan’s growing advanced energy industry. As technology improves and prices continue to fall, more diverse advanced energy resources will be integrated into the grid, driving down energy costs for ratepayers and making the grid more resilient. Michigan EIBC stands ready to partner with utilities on energy solutions that provide ratepayers with a renewable, stable energy supply that costs less per kilowatt hour, and one that provides future generations with a more resilient and sophisticated grid.

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