Newsletter: New Energy Waste Reduction Requirements, Key Capture Energy and More

Welcome to the weekly newsletter of the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council (Michigan EIBC), the business voice for advanced energy in Michigan. Here’s what’s new this week:


Michigan EIBC and Advanced Energy United Argue for Strong Implementation of New Energy Waste Reduction Requirements

The landmark clean energy legislation passed last year included a strengthening of Michigan’s requirements for energy efficiency, and the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is implementing the new laws’ changes to utility energy waste reduction (EWR) programs, such as the addition of efficient electrification measures, low-income programs, and workforce development programs.

In comments just filed with the MPSC, Michigan EIBC and Advanced Energy United laid out how to best implement the new requirements for EWR programs so that they maximize energy efficiency savings and promote building electrification.

Public Act 229, among other provisions, increases EWR requirements for natural gas utilities and allows them to achieve natural gas savings through measures like efficient electrification and building envelope improvements. The law also allows gas utilities to petition the MPSC for an alternative EWR standard. Our comments argue that gas providers should be advised that “such petitions will not be looked upon favorably if efficient electrification measures have not been legitimately considered and implemented.”

Another provision of PA 229 allows electric investor-owned utilities to file efficient electrification plans, which would include electrification improvements. Our comments argue that the Commission should utilize existing lists, such as ENERGY STAR, for determining best-practice efficient electrification measures, and that these measures should be added to the Michigan Energy Measures Database.


Profile of Leadership Council Member Key Capture Energy

Throughout the year we have been profiling the Michigan EIBC member companies that are part of Michigan EIBC’s leadership council. The next leadership council member we are highlighting is Key Capture Energy.

Key Capture Energy has been developing battery storage projects in Michigan since 2020, and has several projects it looks forward to bringing online in the years ahead to help Michigan meet its climate and carbon reductions goals – for example, the target of 2,500 MW of energy storage by 2030.

Now that the target has been set by the clean energy legislation passed last year, important next steps in Key Capture Energy’s view include turning the energy storage goals into specific requests for proposals from utilities, and setting up a thorough but efficient statewide permitting process at the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC).

“The legislation passed in 2023 clearly established Michigan as a leader not only in the Midwest, but across the country. It is an exciting time for our industry in Michigan,” a Key Capture Energy representative tells Michigan EIBC.


Registration Open for 12th Annual Michigan Energy Innovators Gala

Michigan EIBC is excited to welcome our members, Michigan legislators and state officials, and the general public to our 12th Annual Michigan Energy Innovators Gala on September 25th at The Gem Theatre in Detroit. Register now for one of our most popular events!

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to Brianna. You can view the available sponsorship levels and benefits here. Please note that the Watt level is sold out. And thank you to our current sponsors, whose generosity helps to make our annual gala a huge success!






Michigan Energy News

  • The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) announces 17 grants totaling over $900,000 for EV charging stations as part of the Lake Michigan Circuit.
  • A new housing development in Ann Arbor will rely on a microgrid with hydrogen fuel cells running on biogas, solar panels and battery storage.
  • Michigan is in the process of trying to do more to recycle critical minerals in electronics to help meet electrification goals, Bridge Michigan reports.
  • The MPSC is presenting a new study on energy in the Upper Peninsula on July 30 in Marquette.

National Energy News

  • Solar companies are increasingly turning to debt to finance growth, according to a report from Mercom Capital Group.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy publishes a road map on the Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence for Science, Security, and Technology initiative, which includes efforts to use AI to reduce energy use in data centers.
  • report from World Resources Institute looks at four ways the EV transition will impact demand for manufacturing skills and labor.
  • Minnesota will be relying on an “interconnection ombudsman” to try to ease delays for generation projects.

Job Board

Attention Michigan EIBC members: if you have a job announcement you would like in the newsletter, please send a paragraph describing the position and a link to apply to Matt Bandyk at Please include in the email a specific end date for the job posting.


Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion Lead. Location: Chicago.
The Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion (DREI) Lead is responsible for the development and implementation (integration) of initiatives that promote diversity, racial equity, and inclusion (DREI) aligning with Elevate’s core vision, mission, values, and goals. The DREI Lead will work closely with the DREI support team and others, as needed, to ensure integration of DREI principles throughout Elevate programs, processes and practices, execute on strategic priorities, and drive successful outcomes. This Lead will serve as the subject matter expert on DREI and provide vision, expertise, and counsel on matters of diversity initiatives, strategic planning, education and research, and program implementation.


Michigan and National Energy Events

On July 23 the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Lab’s Residential Workforce Program is holding a webinar on “How to Recruit More Employees and Students: Sharing Tools and Strategies.” Register here.

The 68th Annual Michigan Energy Providers Conference will be held at the Grand Traverse Resort July 25-26Register here.

On Aug. 3, the Michigan Electric Vehicle Alliance is holding the Clean Cruise, an organized EV cruise on Woodward Avenue in Ferndale. Find out more information here.

The 12th Annual Michigan Energy Innovators Gala will be held in Detroit on Sept. 25Tickets are available now.



Project proposals are due July 25 for Upper Peninsula Power Co.’s 2024 RFP for Clean, Renewable, and Energy Storage Projects.

The Michigan Public Service Commission has created a website tracking its progress implementing Public Acts 229, 231, 233, 234, and 235, passed on Nov. 8, 2023 and signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Nov. 28.

Michigan EGLE is launching the Renewables Ready Communities Award (RRCA), which makes Michigan municipalities that have, on or after October 1, 2023, begun physically hosting and performing local permitting for any portion of an eligible renewable energy project eligible for awards of $5,000 per MW. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until Sept. 30. More information on this opportunity can be found on the RRCA Webpage.

Michigan EGLE is offering at least $320,000 in funding MI Solar Communities-MI Solar Access Program. Applications will be accepted through March 31, 2025, or when funding is expended, whichever comes first. Find the request for proposals for MI Solar Access here.

Michigan EGLE has released an RFP for grants from its Clean Energy Workforce Development Program. The application deadline is July 30, 2025.

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